Contact Us :)

Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Week of October 1-6

Hi Everyone,
Our schedule for the week is below:

Monday:  Brandywine Creek.....We are playing Tag :)

Tuesday:  Meet vs. Mount and Howard at Bellevue.  There will NOT be a return bus to the school

Wednesday:  Bellevue

Thursday:  School

Friday:  School

Saturday:  Salesianum Invitational
There is NO bus for this meet.  Boys Freshmen, please arrive at the park by 11:45.  All other athetes must arrive 90 minutes before your scheduled race.  This is a BIG invitational. Please factor in traffic when planning your arrival time.


1:00 – Boys Freshmen
1:20 – Girls JV “B”
1:40 – Girls JV “A”
2:00 – Boys JV “C”
2:20 – Boys JV “B”
2:40 – Boys JV “A”
3:00 – Girls Varsity “Small”
3:20 – Girls Varsity “Large”
3:40 – Girls “Championship”
4:00 – Boys Varsity “Small”
4:00 – Boys Varsity “Small”
4:20 – Boys Varsity “Large”
4:40 – Boys“ Championship  

I will post our line-up later in the week.  

Volunteer Opportunity for Saturday Morning, October 6th. There is a CYM cross country meet on Saturday morning.  We need volunteers to help in the snack bar and the finish chute.  The meet will be over by 11 AM.  Please let me know if you are available. 

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Paul Short Invitational Friday 9/28/12

Hi Everyone!
Details for the Paul Short Invitational are below:

Early Dismissal:  12:45

Bus Departure:   1:00

(If you eat the last lunch, make arrangements with your teacher to eat an earlier lunch)

For parents planning to make the trip, we have a few extra seats on the bus if you want to save on gas. 

Directions to the meet are HERE.

We are racing in the White division.  Click HERE for schedule.

Currently, the weather forecast is calling for rain/showers tomorrow.  Please pack sweats, rain gear, extra socks etc. 

Please bring money for dinner.  We will be stopping on the way home to grab a bite to eat.

We will not arrive back at BHS until after 8PM.  We will have all athletes call their rides when we are 30 minutes away from the school.  Please contact me if you have any questions!

Coach Flanagan :)
cell:  545-9153

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Thursday's Pasta Party

Andrew Gross is hosting Thursday's pasta party :)  Info is below:

Where: 107 Norris Rd
              Wilmington, DE 19803

Time:  6-8 PM

What to Bring:
Freshmen:  drinks
Sophomores:   fruit
Juniors:   bread
Seniors:   dessert.

Message from Andrew:  "Tell everyone to be prepared for a wild and crazy night at the Gross'~ Thanks!"


Saturday, September 22, 2012

Week of September 24-29, 2012

Hi Everyone!
Just a reminder for all the runners.....please run at least 45 minutes today followed by 6 striders.  Sunday, is your LONG run day :) 

This week's schedule is below:

Monday:  School

Tuesday:  Tri-meet with McKean & St. Georges at Brandywine Creek.
   Early dismissal 1:30.  Bus leaves BHS at 1:45.  There is NO return bus to the school. 

Wednesday:  NO SCHOOL 
           (easy 30-45 minutes on your own followed by striders)

Thursday:  School

Friday:  Paul Short Invitational at Lehigh
               Early dismissal 12:45.  Bus leaves BHS at 1:00.

For any parents who want to make the trip to Lehigh, I will post directions and details later in the week :)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

XC meet is Postponed until Tomorrow

Hi Everyone,
Due to the strong storms in this afternoon's forecast, our meet is postponed until tomorrow.  Start time is the same:  3:30 PM.  There will be a 1:45 dismissal for athletes and the bus will leave BHS at 2PM.  There is NO return bus back to school.  Parents, please pick up at Bellevue after the meet.  Juniors and Seniors who drive to school may drive themselves to the meet.

There is NO practice this afternoon. 

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Practice Schedule 9/17-9/22

Hi Everyone!
We had a fantastic day at Friday's White Clay Classic. MANY runners lowered their times from Lake Forest on a much hillier course.  Congrats to Halley P, Haley B, Andrew & Eamon for winning medals in their races :)  (Click on the link to the right for our updated spreadsheet.)

This week's practice schedule :

Monday 9/17:  NO PRACTICE....Run 30 minutes on your own and finish with 6 striders

Tuesday 9/18:  Meet with Archmere/Middletown/Friends at Bellevue 3:30 PM
Early Dismissal at 1:45.  Bus leaves BHS at 2PM.  There will NOT be a return bus to school.

Wednesday 9/19:  School

Thursday 9/20:  Brandywine Creek

Friday 9/21:  School

Saturday 9/22:  TBA

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Thursday's Pasta Party!

Pasta Party Team Dinner
Sigmund Household A.k.a Sam’s House

When: 6pm Thursday 9-13-12
Where: 506 S. Lynn Dr, Wilmington DE 19809
What to bring:
Freshman- Fruit/Salad
Sophomores-Drinks No Soda)
Juniors- Bread
Seniors- Dessert
Bring a hoodie or sweater of some kind because we will be outside most likely and I do not want anyone to be chilly!
Directions from Brandywine High School- Exit BHS and make a left onto Foulk Road. Make a left onto Shipley road. Follow Shipley road to Washington Street extension and continue straight through this intersection. Follow road for about half mile. Turn left at Mahaffy Drive ( Small sign on left, better to look for blue sign on right, but do not turn right) . Continue up Mahaffy Drive and make a right at T-intersection. Follow road until four way intersection and make a left onto South Lynn Drive. My house is straight ahead with a large tree in front and a white garage. Park anywhere in the cul-de-sac.

Friday's Meet Schedule

Hi Everyone,
Friday's meet is being held at White Clay Creek State Park in Newark.  Click HERE for directions.

The races are grouped by grade (not varsity/JV)

The meet schedule is listed below:

2:00- Course walk. Please clear the racecourse by 2:45

2:45- Coaches meeting in the pavilion.

3:00- Freshmen Boys & Girls

3:30- Sophomore Boys & Girls

4:00- Junior Boys & Girls

4:30- Senior Boys & Girls

5:15- Awards

  There is a 1:15 dismissal.  The bus leaves BHS at 1:30.

 Sam Sigmund is hosting a Pasta Party on Thursday night.  Details coming...

Sunday, September 9, 2012

Practice Schedule 9/10-9/14

Hi Everyone,
This week's practice schedule is below:

Monday: Brandywine Creek State Park:  Practice will end at 4:45.
Parent Meet in BHS cafeteria 7PM

Tuesday:  School

Wednesday:  Meet with Dickison & Pencader Carousel Park
    3:30PM start time.1:15 dismissal/ bus leaves at 1:30 
The course starts and finishes at Dickinson High School.  There will be a return bus back to BHS.

Thursday:  School

Friday:  Viking Invitational at White Clay Creek.  1:15 dismissal/Bus leaves BHS at 1:30
Meet schedule will be posted later in the week.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Parent Meeting on Monday

Hi Everyone,
Sorry for the late notice.  We are having a XC parent meeting on Monday at 7pm in the BHS cafeteria.  We will be collecting clothing orders, signing up for pasta  parties and discussing the Joe O'Neill Invitational which we are in charge of.  We need parents to sign up for concessions, sell t-shirts, and work the finishing chute.  

Thanks 😃

Friday, September 7, 2012

Pasta party tonight

Athletes are asked to bring the following:

Freshman: Drinks (no soda)
Sophomores:  Bread
Juniors:  Dessert
Seniors:  Fruit/Salad

6:00 - 8:30 pm

2011 Dogwood Lane
Wilmington, DE 19803

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Lake Forest Invitational 9/8/12

Hi Everyone,
The schedule for Saturday's Invitational is below.  The races will take place at Killens Pond State Park.  Click HERE for directions


Open 5K Run/Walk (coaches, alumni, public) 9:00 AM

Varsity Girls’ A (Large Schools) 10:00 AM

Varsity Girls’ B (Small Schools) 10:25 AM
 (Pradell, Belcher, Sowards, Buckley, Berkel, Roberts-Jolly)

Varsity Boys’ A (Large Schools) 10:50 AM

Varsity Boys’ B (Small Schools) 11:15 AM
(McCoy, Tyris, Helmick, Gross, Andreas, Smith, Cline)

Open Girls’ Race (8th grade & below) 11:40 AM Holly Hrupsa Memorial

Open Boys’ Race (8th grade & below) 12:00 AM Holly Hrupsa Memorial

JV Girls’ A (Large Schools) 12:20 PM

JV Girls’ B (Small Schools) 12:45 PM
(Bauman, Hanley, Annotti, McBride, Flores)

JV Boys’ A (Large Schools) 1:10 PM

JV Boys’ B (Small Schools) 1:35 PM
(Tobin, Sigmund, Jones, Byrnes, Michels, Michels, Nemmeth)
JV Girls 3rd Team 2:00 PM

JV Boys 3rd Team 2:25 PM
(Vishwanathan, Pradell, Crist)

Athletes should arrive at Brandywine at 7:20 AM.  The bus will pull out at 7:30 SHARP.  Pack old sneaks and an extra pair of socks to preview the course.

There will be a concession stand and t-shirts for sale.  Athletes should pack healthy snacks to eat before they run....especially the JV runners who will not compete until after lunch.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Tuesday 9/4 Weather Announcement

Due to the chance of storms this afternoon, we will be staying at school for practice. 


Monday, September 3, 2012

Week of September 4th-8th

Hi Everyone,
I hope you all enjoyed your nice long Labor Day weekend!  Our schedule for the week is listed below:

Tuesday 9/4:       Bellevue
Wednesday 9/5:  School
Thursday 9/6:      Bellevue
Friday 9/7:          School
Saturday 9/8:    Lake Forest Invitational...bus leaves BHS at 7:30 AM.  I will post a race schedule later in the week.

Labor Day Practice 9/3/12

Practice is CANCELLED for this morning.  I just heard a rumble of thunder outside and storms are in the forecast all morning.

See everyone tomorrow!  I'll post our week's practice schedule later today.