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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Friday, August 19, 2011

Week Two Preseason: 8/22-8/27

Hi Everyone!
Our Week Two Schedule is below:

Monday 8/22: Brandywine Creek State Park 6PM
Take your first right after entering park. We will meet at the pavilion. Click HERE for directions to the park.

Tuesday 8/23: Bellevue 6PM

Wednesday 8/24: Bellevue 6PM

Thursday 8/25: Bellevue 6PM

Friday 8/26: Bellevue 6PM

Saturday 8/27: CAR WASH at the EXXON on the Corner of Foulk & Silverside Roads
Please arrive at 9AM to help with set-up. Bring extra buckets and sponges if you have them. Also, be sure to pack some snacks! This is our big fundraiser for the season so we need everyone to help out! Parents are welcome to come as well :)

State Park Passes
As you have probably noticed, the State Parks will be charging entrance fees for all our practices. We recommend that you purchase a season pass for your car since the fee season has been extended through November. The cost is $27. They can be purchased at any State Park office. Click HERE for more information.

We have a great group of athletes out for the team this year! If you know anyone who may be interested in running XC, send them our way!

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