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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Tonight's Pasta Party

6:15 pm
Tel: 765-9567 Ethan Cell: 383-9315

Where? Ethan Flynn’s house
13 Gumwood drive

How do I get there?
From BHS turn left, then turn left onto Shipley Road, continue down Shipley until you get to Gumwood Drive (If you get to the blinking lights at Baynard Blvd, you have gone too far) Turn left on to Gumwood, my house is on the left. Parking may be tricky.

What do I bring?
bring Fruit and Vegetables
Juniors bring bread and Salad (again)
Sophomores bring Dessert (Brownies are delicious!)
Freshmen bring drinks (no Soda please)

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