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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Monday, August 12, 2013

Pre-Season Information

Hi Everyone!
We are looking forward to seeing everyone at Pre-Season practices!  Our practice schedule for the next two weeks is below.  You MUST have a current DIAA sports physical on file at the BHS nurse's office BEFORE our first day of practice.  Our Athletic Director and new Athletic Trainer will be at practice on Thursday to confirm that everyone is eligible to practice.

Thursday August 15:  Bellevue State Park 6PM-7:30 PM  We will meet by the bathrooms next to the track.

Friday August 16:  Bellevue State Park 6PM-7:30 PM 

Saturday August 17:    Brandywine Creek State Park 9AM-10:30 AM
(use MAIN entrance off Adams Dam Road.  Turn right into first parking lot after passing booth)
 Click HERE for Directions)

Sunday August 18:  OFF (suggested LONG run on your own)

Monday through Friday (August 19-23)  Bellevue 6PM-7:30 PM 

Saturday August 24:  Brandywine Creek State Park 9 AM-10:30 AM

State Park Fees:
All cars will be required to pay the park entrance fee if you do not have a state park sticker.  The Fee Season extends until the end of November so I suggest that all families purchase a sticker.  Cost is $27.  You can purchase them at any state park.  Click HERE for more info.

See you soon!!!!

Coach Flanagan :)

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