Contact Us :)

Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Friday, September 11, 2009

Brandywine Cross Country 2009

Hi everyone,

Until the website is up and running, we are going to use the Blog to keep you updated on any schedule changes and announcements.

Please bookmark this site and check it periodically for changes :)

****Today's Viking Invitational has been postponed until Monday September 14th. They are following the same schedule:

2:00- Course walk. Please clear the racecourse by 2:45
2:45- Coaches meeting in the pavilion. Please pickup team packet upon arrival
3:00- Freshman Boys & Girls
3:30- Sophomore Boys & Girls
4:10- Junior Boys & Girls
4:50- Senior Boys & Girls
5:30- Awards

****Tuesdays at School*****

We have decided to have practice at SCHOOL on Tuesdays. This will give the kids a break from catching the bus and allow them to finish practice early once a week. There is only one exception to this change. On Tuesday October 27th, we will be practicing at Bellevue.

****Other Reminders****

Money and permission slips for the Manhattan Invitational are due ASAP.

Last Call for T-Shirt/Sweats Orders. Please email me before Sunday with any last minute orders:

All athletes are encouraged to jog lightly and stretch this weekend! We are looking forward to everyone's season debut on Monday!

Enjoy the Weekend!

Coach Flanagan :)

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