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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Preseason Practice Schedule
Thursday August 19: Bellevue 6PM

Friday August 20: Bellevue 6PM

Saturday August 21: Brandywine Creek State Park 9AM
(Brandywine Creek State Park is located at 41 Adams Dam Road, Wilmington, DE 19807. We will be meeting in the first parking lot near the pavilion)

Monday August 23: Bellevue 6PM/Parent Meeting with Dr. Thompson at BHS 7PM

Tuesday August 24: Brandywine Creek 6PM

Wednesday August 25: Bellevue 6PM

Thursday August 26: SCHOOL/ BHS BLOCK PARTY 6PM
Meet at the XC table. Wear a BHS XC t-shirt if you have one :)

Friday August 27: Rockford Park 6PM
(The entrance to Rockford Park is located just past the Delaware Art Museum. We will be meeting in the parking lot by the Tower. You can also enter the park by taking Rt. 52 and turning at Tower Hill High School.)

Saturday August 28: Thompson’s Bridge 9AM
(Thompson’s Bridge is part of Brandywine Creek State Park. Use the entrance on Rt. 92/Thompson’s Bridge Road)

After school practices begin Monday August 30th. Please see practice schedule posted. Bus will pick up athletes at the side of the gym at 2:45PM. Parents must pick up athletes at the PARK at the end of practice (4:45PM).

For more information on the location/directions of State Parks, please visit:

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