Contact Us :)

Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Sunday June 23rd Trail Run

Hi Everyone!
I won't be at Sunday's trail run.  Would someone please take a picture of the Trail dogs who attend and send it to me :) 


Coach Flanagan :)

Monday, June 17, 2013

Another Stormy Monday!

Hi Everyone!
It's still thundering here.  I'd advise everyone to stay home tonight.   We have no power and I heard that stop lights are out in the area.  Be safe!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Trail Dogs!

Hi Everyone,
It was great to see Ashley, Halley, Alexa, Andrew, Noah & Ben on Wednesday night!

We hope to see more of you on the trails as the summer goes on!  Click HERE for info on where and when we will be meeting!

Another reminder that you need a physical on file at the nurse's office BEFORE the first day of preseason!

Happy Trails to You!

Monday, June 10, 2013

Stormy Weather

Hi Everyone,
There are Thunderstorms AND a Tornado Watch  in the forecast this evening.    If you get a chance, do some treadmill running or hit the gym :) 

Hope to see you out on the trails on Wednesday!

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Summer Running 2013

Hi Everyone!
It's time to start planning your summer workouts.  Click HERE for your summer mileage guidelines.

Below is a list of opportunities for you to run with a group beginning June 10th:

Mondays:  Meet at Springer Jr. High at 6:45 for warm-up.  Workout starts promptly at 7PM.  Joe McNichol will be leading the workouts again this summer. 

Wednesdays:  Trail Run with the Bulldogs.  Meet at 6PM at Woodley Park (across the street from the YMCA on Mt. Lebanon Road)

Sundays:  MORNING Trail Runs with the Bulldogs:  Meet at 9AM  at State Park parking lot at the bottom of Mt. Lebanon Road (make a right at bottom of hill and a right into parking log.  State Park sticker required and parking is limited.  Carpooling is recommended)  You can also park on Wynard Road at the end of Mt. Lebanon  and run down the hill.

Not all Sunday/Wednesday trail runs will have adult supervision.  Captains will be present to take roll :)
We encourage you to run a minimum of 5 days a week with two days of active rest.

Remember, you MUST have a sports physical dated after April 1, 2013 BEFORE the first day of practice!  Click HERE for summer Wellness Center Hours and the DIAA sports physical form.

Happy Running!

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

XC Captains

Congratulations to Adia, Halley, Connor & Andrew!!!!!


Information on Summer Running Coming Soon :)