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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Monday, August 11, 2014

Meet the Coaches Night

Hi Everyone,
Just a reminder that Wednesday is "Meet the Coaches Night" at BHS.  All athletes and parents are encouraged to attend.  Program starts at 6:30 PM.

For more information, see the link below:

In other XC news:

*  Preseason practice starts on FRIDAY!  See below for times and locations of our practices during preseason:

Friday 8/15:  8:30 AM  Bellevue State Park (meet by the bathrooms next to the track)
Saturday 8/16:  8/15:  8:30 AM  Bellevue State Park
Sunday 8/17:  NO on your own

Monday 8/18-Saturday 8/23:  8/15:  8:30 AM  Bellevue State Park
Sunday 8/24:  NO on your own

Looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday at Meet the Coaches night and on FRIDAY for our first day of practice!

Coach Flanagan

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