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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Friday, May 31, 2019

BHSXC 2019

Hi Everyone.
It was nice meeting so many of you at our sign-ups.  If you have any friends interested in XC, please direct them to this page.

If  you are new to BHSXC and did not fill out a sign-up sheet, please make sure you send me your contact information. My email address is below.  I will be posting all Team Information on this blog. 

Click HERE for your Summer Training Guide.

Please make sure you update your sports physicals.  Your sports physicals must be completed on a DIAA form and handed in BEFORE our first day of practice on August 15th.  Click HERE for the form.

If you are in need of a new pair of running shoes to start your summer training, I highly recommend the Delaware Running Company.  Click here for their website.  They are located in Greenville.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Happy Running!

Coach Flanagan

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