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Abby Siple:

Sunday, October 10, 2021

BHSXC Week 9

 Hi Everyone.

The Joe O'Neill Invitational is this FRIDAY!  This is our ONLY fundraiser of the season.  Thanks to everyone who signed up to help.  If you would like to drop off your cases of water or 12 oz. gatorade before Friday, you can bring them to the end of practice any day this week.  Otherwise, you can bring to Bellevue on Friday  by 1pm and we can ice them down.

See Below for this week's schedule:

Monday and Tuesday:  Bellevue

Depart Time: 2:30pm
Depart Location: BHS Gym
Return Time: 4:30pm
Return Location: Bellevue State Park
Est Return to School: 4:45pm

Wednesday and Thursday:  SCHOOL

Meet on the track by 2:45.  Practice will end by 4:15

Friday:  The Joe O'Neill Invitational

There is NO BUS on Friday.  Kids are off from school.  Please arrive at Bellevue no later than 1:00.  We will be camping out at the end of the main pavilion across the bridge.




JV BOYS (limited to 10 runners) 4:00 PM

JV GIRLS (unlimited) 4:30 PM

JV Boys B (unlimited) 5:00 PM

We will be posting race assignments by Wednesday or Thursday.  

We will need help cleaning up after the last race.  

Saturday 10/16:  No practice.  Easy recovery run on your own.  30-40 minutes

Congrats to Graham and Izzy for being named Bulldogs of the Meet for their great performances at the Sallies Invitational.  Looking forward to some FAST personal records by all our bulldogs at the meet this Friday!

A look at next week:

10/18: school

10/19:  Meet with Christiana and Caravel

10/20: Bellevue

10/21: Creek

10/22: school

10/23: school

A few more items...

*  Tuesday 10/19, we will be celebrating our Seniors at our last regular meet of the Season.  Please join us for some light refreshments after the meet

End of Season Banquet:  We are allowed to hold our banquet in the school cafeteria.  Looking for a few parents to take the lead on this.  Please message me in Remind if you can help.

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