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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Scrimmage and Pool Party Information

Hi Everyone!
Thursday is the Scrimmage for Cancer at Banning Park.  Time schedule and directions are below.  The bus will be leaving BHS at 2:30 sharp!  Please be on time :)

Boys Race 3:45 followed by Girls at 4:15

Click HERE for directions from BHS to Banning Park.

Pool Party at Graylyn Crest Pool after the Scrimmage
The bus will drop athletes off at the Pool.  
Please Pick up athletes at the pool no later than 8:45 PM

 The pool is located on Marsh Road between Silverside and Harvey.  It's just past Branmar Plaza on the left  hand side.  If you are coming from Harvey Rd. the pool is about half a mile from Papa Johns on the right. 

Parents are welcome to come to the pool as well :)

If you just signed up to join XC at Wednesday's lunch, we hope you will join us at the pool for pizza and fun!  It will be a great chance to meet your new teammates.  We should be there by 6PM.  Just tell the guards at the front desk that you are with Brandywine Cross Country.

Pizza will be provided by the XC Boosters :)

Practice Schedule for the Remainder of the Week:

Friday 8/29:  OFF  Run on your own

Saturday 8/30:  8:30 Brandywine Creek

Sunday 8/31:  OFF  Run on your own

Monday 9/1:  8:30 AM  Bellevue
*****  If you are interested in hosting a TEAM DINNER, please sign-up using the link on the right of this page.

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