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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Sunday, August 24, 2014

Week of August 25th

Hi Everyone,
We have had a great start to our season.  Looking forward to everyone returning from vacation.  Remember, to spread the word this week at school and BRING A FRIEND TO PRACTICE!  Mrs. McCoy and I will be sitting in the cafeteria on Wednesday during lunches.  We need your help recruiting new runners.

Our practice schedule for this week is below:

Monday 8/25:  after school:  Bellevue
The practice bus will pick up athletes at the side of the gym at 2:40.  Sophomores and Juniors who do NOT have school may either meet at Bellevue or come to BHS to catch the bus.  The bus will be returning athletes to BHS after practice.

Tuesday 8/26:  Brandywine Creek
The practice bus will pick up athletes at the side of the gym at 2:40. The bus will be returning athletes to BHS after practice.

Wednesday 8/27:  School:  Meet on the track at 2:45

Thursday 8/28:  Scrimmage for Cancer at Banning Park followed by XC Pool Party.  Bus leaves BHS at 2:30. 
Boys Race 3:45 followed by Girls at 4:15
(more details on Scrimmage and Pool Party will be posted later this week)

Friday 8/29:  OFF  Run on your own

Saturday 8/30:  8:30 Brandywine Creek

Sunday 8/31:  OFF  Run on your own

Monday 9/1:  8:30  Bellevue

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