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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week of Sept. 26th-Oct. 1st

Hi Everyone,
We had a great day at the Bulldog Invitational on Saturday. The girls finished 5th in the small schools division and the boys finished 7th. Congrats to Haley Belcher, Megary McCoy, Jasmine Soward, Andrew Tyris, and Eamon McCoy for winning medals in their races!

This week's schedule is below:
Monday 9/26: SCHOOL
Tuesday 9/27: Meet with St. Georges (on St. Georges Campus)
Dismissal 1PM....Bus leaves BHS at 1:10
Wednesday 9/28: Brandywine CREEK
Thursday 9/29: NO SCHOOL / NO PRACTICE....Easy distance on own
Friday 9/30: SCHOOL
Saturday 10/1: Sallies Invitational Brandywine Creek State Park
More details to follow

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