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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Monday, September 5, 2011

Week of Sept 5th-10th

Hi Everyone,

The weather looks to be wet and rainy this week. As a result, we have decided to practice at SCHOOL all week long. That way kids can keep their bookbags dry and they won't be waiting in the rain to be picked up from the parks.

We will practice in the Rain but we will NOT practice if there is thunder/lightning. We will make any cancellation notices before 1PM each day and post them here.

**Just a reminder that TUESDAY September 6th, we are having a Parent meeting at 6PM in the cafeteria. Athletes are invited to attend as well. We are ordering Pizza from's $5 for a Large Plain. If you would like to have us pick up a pizza for you, we will collect money at practice on Tuesday.

**Order forms for sweats and t-shirts went home last week. There is also a link on the right hand of the blog if you need a form. Orders are due next Friday :) You can also hand in your orders at Tuesday's meeting.

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