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Sunday, November 22, 2020

The Homestretch!

 Hi Everyone!

We are in the Homestretch!  One meet to go!  A HUGE thanks to everyone who helped at the Conference meet yesterday.  Teamwork makes the Dream Work!  At the beginning of the season, the Conference had decided NOT to host a championship this year.  I convinced them that we could make it work safely, and as a result, BHS was put in charge of the meet.  Funny how that works ;)  As a result, we couldn't really get out on the course to cheer everyone on, so we appreciate all the parents who did...Cowbells and All!  We had great performances from everyone!  A few shout outs:

*  The Girls' Team won the Flight B title!  That makes 18 Conference titles for the Lady Bulldogs!

*  Maisie Donohue finished 8th overall and made her Third straight All Conference Team

*  Thomas Baer was our top boy finisher running a PR of 20:44

*  Andrew Warrington was the 1st WAVE 3 finisher running a PR of 22:02

*  Gloria Corona finished 3rd in WAVE 5 ending her season with a bang!

*  Tyra Watson finished her final race of her BHSXC career shoe-less and with a big smile on her face!

Click HERE for the results of the Blue Hen Conference Meet.

Thanks to Izzy and Ginger for taking pictures the last two meets.  Click HERE to view them.

For the next two weeks, only those running States will be practicing.  In non-pandemic years, we would make practices optional for JV, but out of an abundance of caution, we are keeping our numbers smaller as we head in to our final meet.  We are so proud of all our JV runners for all your accomplishments this season.  You made it!  

The following Bulldogs will be running States:  Thomas, Drew, Leo, Bobby, Maisie, Izzy, EJ, Hannah, Morgan, Juliane, and Abbey.

See below for this week's schedule:

Monday 11/23:  Bellevue  10:30-12:00

Tuesday 11/24:  Killens Pond  Bus leaves BHS at 10:15

Wednesday 11/25:  OFF

Thursday 11/26:  Happy Thanksgiving

Friday 11/27:  BHS Track 10:30-12:00

Saturday 11/28-Sunday 11/29:  OFF

 A few pics from our meets last week:

 Tuesday was COLD!!!!! Made me thankful we are not starting our season in February!

Our One and Only Senior, Tyra!! We will miss you next year!

A great shot of Thomas finishing on Tuesday. 

Teyton embracing his race on Saturday :)

           Izzy looking strong approaching two miles

     Gloria looking great in Wave 5

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