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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Get those Physicals!

Hi Everyone!
Just a Reminder...All athletes MUST have a current sports physical (dated AFTER April 1, 2012)  on file at BHS before the first day of practice.  The Wellness Center at BHS is open now (see May 21st post  for hours and info). 

Athletes can also get a sports physical at the Brandywine Medical Center (near Target).  Cost is $25.  Have immunizaton records and all paperwork filled out.  Appointment is not needed.

Please take care of this ASAP  :)

We have less than two weeks until the start of Preseason.  If you would like to join your teammates for a run, our summer schedule is HERE

We look forward to seeing everyone on August 15, 6PM at Bellevue State Park.  We  will meet by the picnic tables near the bathrooms/track.  All cars will be required to pay the park entrance fee if you do not have a state park sticker.  The Fee Season extends until the end of November so I suggest that all families purchase a sticker.  Cost is $27.  You can purchase them at any state park.  Click HERE for more info.

See you soon!!!!

Coach Flanagan :)

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