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Sunday, October 4, 2015

Week of October 5-11

Hi Everyone!
Hope you all recovered from our MUDDY, WET experience on Friday.    Despite the less than ideal conditions, many of you ran personal records for the season.  Keep raising the bar and keep pushing past your comfort zone.  We have a break from competition this week.  This is a great chance for us to get some quality workouts in.

See below for this week's practice schedule:

Monday 10/5:  BELLEVUE  (this was originally scheduled for the Creek but Adams Dam Road is closed this week)

Depart Time: 2:30pm
Depart Location: BHS Gym
Return Time: 4:30pm
Return Location: Bellevue State Park
Est Return to School: 4:45pm

Tuesday 10/6:  SCHOOL
Meet on the track by 2:45.  Practice should end by 4:15

Wednesday 10/7:  BELLEVUE
Depart Time: 2:30pm
Depart Location: BHS Gym
Return Time: 4:30pm
Return Location: Bellevue State Park
Est Return to School: 4:45pm

Thursday 10/8:  SCHOOL
Meet on the track by 2:45.  Practice should end by 4:15

Friday  10/9:  SCHOOL
Meet on the track by 2:45.  Practice should end by 4:15

Saturday 10/10:  No Practice.  Enjoy Homecoming!

Sunday 10/11:  No Practice.  LONG run on your own.  45-70 minutes

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