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Sunday, November 1, 2015

Week of November 1st-7th: UPDATED

Hi Everyone!
Sorry for the Late Update!  Busy weekend!  Spent the afternoon at the BHS Open House.  It was a great afternoon showcasing all that BHS has to offer.  

Congrats to Alexa for earning All Conference Honors at Friday's Blue Hen Championships!

See below for this week's schedule:

Monday 11/2:  SCHOOL--Meet on the track by 2:45.  Practice should end by 4:15

Tuesday 11/3:  Winterthur Estate (Site of the New Castle Country XC Championships) 

Depart Time: 2:45pm
Depart Location: BHS Gym
Return Time: 4:45pm
Return Location: Wintherthur Estate
Est Return to School: 5:10pm

Wednesday 11/4:  SCHOOL--Meet on the track by 2:45.  Practice should end by 4:15

Thursday 11/5:  Bellevue

Depart Time: 2:30 pm
Depart Location: BHS Gym
Return Time: 4:45pm
Return Location: Bellevue State Park
Est Return to School: 5:00pm

Friday 11/6:  No School.  NO PRACTICE! 
 Please run 20-30 EASY minutes on your own followed by some stretching.

Pasta Party Hosted by Ethan's Family

Time:  3:30-5:30

2021 Floral Drive
Wilmington DE 19801  

(North Graylyn Crest)
Home # 529-0302

Please Bring a Dessert or Side

Saturday:  New Castle Country Cross Country Championships at Winterthur 

Comments: Start City/Claymont P/U at 12:00 pm; 4:00 Hold; City/Claymont return
Depart Time from BHS: 12:45pm
Depart Location: Bus Stops
Return Time: 5:00pm
Return Location: Winterthur Estates
Est Return to School: 5:30pm


    1:30 pm    Old Timers 

(let me know if any parents are running!  I will give you a BHS jersey to wear)

    2:30 pm    Girls JV

    3:00 pm    Boys JV

    3:30 pm    Girls Varsity
    4:00 pm    Boys Varsity

All athletes must fill out an On-Line Permission form.  Please click HERE for information. You can also register for the Old Timer's Race (it's FREE)

They are in need of some parent volunteers to help with parking on Saturday.  If you are available to help, please sign up HERE.  All volunteers receive a FREE Preferred Parking Pass.

See below for information on Parking:

General Admission Parking is free. Please enter Gate 3 located on Rt. 52. Please note it is a country walk over hilly terrain to the team staging area.  

 Handicap Parking - Those displaying state-issued Handicap Parking credentials should enter 
Gate 3. Free handicap parking is along the fence near the 1 mile mark on the course.

 Preferred Parking is available for $10 per car.  Preferred Parking will enter Gate 5 off Rt. 52 and be located near the team staging area.  Special hang tag will be sold in advance.  Anyone not displaying this hang tag will not be permitted into this parking area and will be directed to the general admission parking.  Hang tags will be distributed to coaches on your assigned practice day.  Proceeds from Preferred Parking go to N5CTA.  

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