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Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Positive thinking

What I know for sure….

Nothing beats the power of positive thinking. If you put two runners of equal ability on the starting line, the one with the positive attitude will win every time. Do you know how many times I have heard the following before a big race:

I’m going to run so badly today.
She’s going to beat me.

I feel sick.
My foot hurts
I have cramps
I was up all last night

Why do so many runners felt the need to complain right before stepping on the line? Is this some kind of coping mechanism? Does it really help you shake off the nerves? Or does it give you an excuse….something to fall back on if the race does not go your way?

Why not take the OPPOSITE approach? Fill you head with positive thoughts. Find a mantra that you can repeat over and over as you prepare to step on the line. “I am a force…out on the course.” Or like the little train who could: “I know I can, I know I can, I know I can.” Whatever works for YOU.

Think about all the reasons you run cross country. Put all that positive energy into your mind as you prepare for a race. Instead of that overwhelming feeling of dread, you’ll be filled with anticipation…an eagerness to see what accomplishments lie ahead in the next 3.1 miles.

To borrow a phrase from the McDonough Family….B+ and you will be a much happier and more successful runner.

Coach Flanagan :)

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Saturday, September 8, 2007

A Hot and Muggy Season Opener!

Despite the heat, humidity, and HILLS, fifteen bulldogs lowered their times from our time trial. Maeve McCoy took first place in the freshman race, while Matt Schoch, Sophia Sawicki, and Nate Parmenter took second place honors in their respective races. Shauna Nolan dropped over two minutes off her best time to slip under 30 minutes! Way to go Shauna! Luke Anderson must have run up some mountains while in Montana because he posted the fourth fastest bulldog time of the day finishing fifth in the sophomore race.

Some of you were disappointed with your times from yesterday. I always say, don’t dwell on the past. This race is a starting point. Learn from it. Improve upon it. If you feel you slowed up at a certain point when you could have pushed on, then don’t make the same mistake at Lake! Keep working hard in practice and you will see those times drop!

On a completely different note, since Newark High XC team beat us to the punch with the t-shirt design, we need a new design for the front of our shirts. I placed our order….we have a week or so before the shirts head to the printers so send me your ideas for the front ASAP to

Coach Flanagan :)

No one is unbeatable, and the fence protecting the seemingly invincible is more fragile than it may appear. Jack Daniels (the running coach, not the whiskey guy )

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Just Say Om!

In case you didn't read the News Journal this morning, there was a great article in the sports section about Yoga & Running.

(Be sure to read the article soon b/c the News Journal archives their articles and then makes you pay for them :))

Now I know what some of you may be thinking...."I'm too manly for yoga....Yoga is for new age hippies....I have no desire to twist my body into a pretzel formation."

Trust me, I was skeptical at first... but I started taking yoga classes and have noticed a huge difference in my flexibility. In fact, I went to yoga on Sunday morning. After chasing you guys around Banning on Saturday I was a bit sore. I felt like a new person after class.

So my advice...give it a try! You may find the peace, relaxation, and WORKOUT you were looking for (like Vicki said in her is NOT for wimps!)

Coach Flanagan:)

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Monday, September 3, 2007

One hour, twenty six minutes, & six seconds!

That’s how much we improved as a TEAM from our first time trial to our second. What a difference two weeks make!

To my new cross country runners, as we come to the end of preseason, you should all be proud of your hard work! Some of you could not run a mile without stopping on our first day and now you can easily finish 3.1. Before you know it, you will be conquering the Creek with ease!

To my veteran runners, you know what lies ahead. Each week will give you a new opportunity to improve on your performance from last season. MANY of you have All Conference, All County, All State Potential! Don’t hold back this season. Continue to work toward faster times and personal records :)

Viking Classic: Friday September 7, 2007
There’s nothing like Opening Day…putting on that uniform…lacing up those shoes…the sound of the gun…..and it all begins!

I am making a bold prediction for this Friday…..EVERY bulldog will better his/her time trial time on White Clay’s course (a hillier, much more challenging course than Bellevue :0))

Believe it and make it happen!

Coach Flanagan