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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Sunday, August 30, 2015

Week of 8/31-9/6

Hi Everyone,
We had another great week of XC preseason.  School starts tomorrow so practices will be in the afternoon.  See below for this week's schedule:

Monday 8/31:  School-Meet at the track at 2:45

Tuesday 9/1:    School-Meet at the track at 2:45

Wednesday 9/3: School-Meet at the track at 2:45

Thursday 9/4:  Scrimmage for Cancer
Dismissal Time: regular school dismissal
Depart Time:  2:45  pm
Depart Location:  BHS Gym
Return Time:  4:45pm
Return Location:  Banning Park
Est Return to School:  5:15pm

Boys Race 3:45 followed by Girls at 4:15

Click HERE for directions from BHS to Banning Park.

Friday 9/5:  NO PRACTICE
Run on your own Friday and join us for a 
Pool Party at Graylyn Crest Pool
Time:  5:00-7:45
The pool is located on Marsh Road between Silverside and Harvey.  It's just past Branmar Plaza on the left  hand side.  If you are coming from Harvey Rd. the pool is about half a mile from Papa Johns on the right.  

Saturday 9/5: Practice will be at Brandywine Creek State Park at 8:30.  We will meet in the Hawk Watch parking lot (the first right after passing toll booth).  Click HERE for directions to the park.

Sunday 9/6:  NO PRACTICE  Run on your own. 
See below for Sunday guidelines:
For my brand new beginners: try to run/walk for 20-35 minutes. 

For everyone else: Sunday is a great day to get in a LONGER run.  A nice relaxed pace. 
45-70 minutes.  

If you have been running everyday this summer, shoot for 60-70.  For everyone else 45.

Monday 9/7:  LABOR DAY 
NO PRACTICE:  Please run on your own
20-35 minutes for beginners
40-60 minutes for everyone else

Be sure to tell all your friends that it is NOT TOO LATE to join the Cross Country Team!  I would LOVE for all of you to bring 1 or 2 friends to practice next week!

Feel free to give my email address to anyone who might be interested in joining us:
Coach Flanagan; 

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