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Monday, September 5, 2016

Practice Schedule 9/6-9/11

Hi Everyone!
Hope you are enjoying your long Labor Day Weekend.  We have another week of XC under our belts.  Congrats to all the bulldogs who ran in our Scrimmage for Cancer.  EVERYONE improved his/her times from last season.  We look forward to your continued improvement in the weeks to come.

See below for this week's practice schedule:

Tuesday 9/6:  SCHOOL
Meet on the track by 2:45.  Practice will end by 4:15

Wednesday 9/7:  Bellevue**

Thursday 9/8:  SCHOOL
Meet on track by 2:45.  Practice will end by 4:15

Friday 9/9:  Brandywine Creek  **

**  For school days when we practice at the Creek or Bellevue:  Practice bus will pick you up on the side of the gym between 2:30-2:45.  Bus will return to school after practice.  If you drive to school, you may drive yourself (and your siblings) to the park.  Everyone else please ride the practice bus.

Saturday 9/10:  Bellevue 8:30-10:15

Sunday 9/11:  NO PRACTICE
See below for Sunday guidelines:
For my brand new beginners: try to run/walk for 20-35 minutes. 

For everyone else: Sunday is a great day to get in a LONGER run.  A nice relaxed pace. 
45-70 minutes.  

If you have been running everyday this summer, shoot for 60-70.  For everyone else 45.

Later this week, I will be posting a Sign-Up Genius for Team dinners.  

Pool Party!  
(although most opted not to swim)
                                  Sorry Lexi & Liz! We took the picture after you left!                                          

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