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Sunday, September 25, 2016

Week of 9/26-10/1

Hi Everyone!
Hope you got out and enjoyed this beautiful weekend!  We could have used these cooler temperatures on Friday at the Middletown Invitational.  It was HOT running around those cornfields.  Despite the less than ideal running conditions, we had some speedy bulldog performances.  Alexa finished second overall in the girls' varsity race running 21:12.  MANY other bulldogs turned in season PR's.  Keep working hard in practice and your times will continue to drop.  Remember our new motto:
 "No eXCuses!"

Reminder:  Click HERE if you would like to sign up to host a team dinner

See below for this week's schedule:

Monday 9/26:  CREEK**

Tuesday 9/27:  School
Meet on the track by 2:45.  Practice will end by 4:15

Wednesday 9/28:  Meet with Glasgow at Bellevue State Park

Thursday 9/29:  Bellevue **

Friday 9/30:  School
Meet on track by 2:45.  Practice will end by 4:15

**  For school days when we practice at the Creek or Bellevue:  Practice bus will pick you up on the side of the gym between 2:30-2:45.  Bus will return to school after practice.  If you drive to school, you may drive yourself (and your siblings) to the park.  Everyone else please ride the practice bus.

Saturday 10/1:  NO Practice  Have fun at Homecoming!

Sunday 10/2:  NO PRACTICE
See below for Sunday guidelines:
For my brand new beginners: try to run/walk for 20-35 minutes. 

For everyone else: Sunday is a great day to get in a LONGER run.  A nice relaxed pace. 
45-70 minutes.  

Go Bulldogs!

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