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Abby Siple:

Sunday, September 16, 2018

Weekly Update: September 17-23 WEATHER RELATED CHANGES! PLEASE READ!

Hi Everyone,
First off, a big congrats to everyone who ran in the White Clay Classic.  We had lots of personal records, strong and gutsy performances, and most of all lots of fun!  Our Top Dogs were Maisie and Devan:  Maisie finished 5th in the Freshmen girls' race.  Devan was our top male finisher finishing 33rd out of 166 in the freshmen boys' race.

As you know, our schedule is changing for this week.  Please see below for our practice/meet locations:

Monday 9/17:  Meet with Howard at Bellevue State Park 
Meet on the side of the gym by 2:30 for a 2:45 departure.
Depart Time: 2:45pm
Depart Location: BHS Gym
Return Time: 4:45pm
Return Location: Bellevue State Park
Est Return to School: 5:00pm

Please dress for the weather. 

 They are calling for RAIN but no storms so the meet will go on. 

**We have some new runners who are supposed to be joining us on Monday.  
Please dress in running clothes and meet the team on the side of the gym.  
You will be able to do a little running before the meet starts and can help 
us at the finish line.  :) 

Tuesday 9/18:  NO PRACTICE
They are calling for storms all day so we will NOT be practicing. 
 Stay Dry!

Wednesday 9/19:  Bellevue at 8:30AM
Another day off from school!  We are practicing at Bellevue State Park.   
Please meet at the picnic tables near the bathrooms by 8:30. 
 Practice will end by 10:15.

Thursday 9/20:  School
 Meet on the track at 2:45.  Practice will end by 4:15

Team Dinner at Alexa Draper's House

904 Wilson Road
Wilmington, DE 19803
(house with the big driveway)

What to Bring:
Freshmen:  Desserts 
Sophomores:  Drinks (no soda!)
Seniors:  Bread 

Friday 9/21:  Middletown Invitational
Dismissal Time: 1:00pm
Depart Time: 1:20pm
Depart Location: BHS Gym
Return Time: 5:00pm
Return Location: St. Andrews School
Est Return to School: 5:45pm

Race Schedule:
Girls J.V. - 3:30
Boys J.V. - 4:00
Girls Varsity - 4:30
Boys Varsity - 5:00

We will let kids know which race they will be in by Wednesday.

The Race is being held at St. Andrew's School in Middletown.
Click HERE for directions.

Saturday 9/22:   NO PRACTICE
30-40 minute recovery run.

Sunday 9/23:  NO PRACTICE
See below for Sunday guidelines:
For my brand new beginners: try to run/walk for 20-35 minutes. 

For everyone else: Sunday is a great day to get in a LONGER run.  A nice relaxed pace. 
45-70 minutes.  

Looking ahead to next week...

Monday 9/24:  Brandywine Creek State Park
Tuesday 9/25:  School
Wednesday 9/26:  Meet with Christiania & Glasgow @ Brandywine Creek  

Maisie and Devan looking strong in the last mile.

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