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Michelle Flanagan:

Abby Siple:

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week of October 2-8th

Hi Everyone!
Can't believe it's October already!  Let's hope the beautiful Fall weather sticks around for the remainder of our season.

See Below for this week's practice schedule:

Monday October 2:  Bellevue
Meet on the side of the gym by 2:45
Depart Time: 2:45pm
Depart Location: BHS Gym
Return Time: 4:45pm
Return Location: Bellevue State Park
Est Return to School: 5:00pm

Tuesday October 3:  School
Meet on track by 2:45.  Practice should end by 4:15-4:30

Wednesday October 4:  School
Meet on track by 2:45.  Practice should end by 4:15-4:30

Thursday October 5:  Brandywine Creek State Park
Meet on the side of the gym by 2:45
Depart Time: 2:45pm
Depart Location: BHS Gym
Return Time: 4:45pm
Return Location: Brandywine Creek State Park
Est Return to School: 5:00pm

Friday October 6:  School
Meet on track by 2:45.  Practice should end by 4:15-4:30

Saturday October 7 & Sunday October 8:  No Practice
 Please run on your own.
See below for Weekend guidelines:
For my brand new beginners: try to run/walk for 20-35 minutes each day. 

For everyone else:
50-70 minutes each day.  

Enjoy the Homecoming Festivities! Be safe.

Waiting for the Race to get underway on Wednesday at White Clay :)

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